Midori always appears on the right in the tutorial

Midori always appears on the right in the tutorial

At the end of each tutorial step, Midori spawns on the right, making the direction indicators (e.g. ->A) point the wrong way every second step

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install the game on Steam
  2. Press any key to begin
  3. Play tutorial until first wave of A-attack figures is down

Midori spawns on the left, second wave (A-attacks with specific direction) proceeds left to right

Midori spawns on the right, I have to walk back to him and then clear the figures from right to left, so the instructions for attacking the figures are effectively reversed in direction

Notes: I tried Alt-F4 and restart to get screenshots, but the problem didn’t reoccur when I entered tutorial from the menu

Game Version: v1.16899

System Information: Steam