Tier list Discussion

Midori in arcade mode is unbalanced. He has extra health and I believe his super charges faster and depletes slower. Hang in there.

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Itā€™s funny you should mention that but I just started and never touched Midori until last night. For the last few days since I started playing arcade boss Midori would just beat me silly and I would think heā€™s just a damn good character not realizing player Midori is not like that.

So last night I decided to try him out and the first things that popped in my head was ā€˜wait, heā€™s supposed to have more life than that! Heā€™s supposed to be faster than that! Sonamagun! Heā€™s supposed have a helluva lot more priority than that!ā€™. Thatā€™s when I realizedā€¦ arcade Midori is dirty rotten scoundrel no good piece of crap of a cheaterā€¦

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Lol okay, I was wondering about it. I actually got to a 3-3 with him but still ended up losing, decided to ditch and play ranked instead. I think it has helped me look for openings better as Sets, but Iā€™m gonna stick to non-cheater modes for awhile to try to improve against realistic opponents :slight_smile:

Oh I totally agree playing against real live people is better than cpu all day long. My problem is Iā€™m on the Nintendo Switch. It takes a while to find opponents and when I do, even when they beat the ever loving crap out of me theyā€™ll only stay for one match instead of staying for best 2 out of 3. Iā€™m thinking maybe the PS4 version might have more people playingā€¦ PC is out as I never liked playing on them.

Iā€™m playing on switch, go ahead and add me ā€œFrozenStormā€. I usually get to play for a half hour or so sometime between 7-10pm CDT (UTC-5)

Iā€™ll add you when I get home. I play at different times than you but Iā€™m sure weā€™ll run into each other here and there. Duuuuuuuude youā€™re gonna beat me so baaaaaaad.

Any updates on the list since last year? Seeing this many 7-3s and 8-2s is a bitā€¦ discouraging.

There is a lot of disagreement on the tier list between the top players. The matchups specifically also have quite a few disagreements. I would not consider the tier list in this discussion to be definite.

Also, it seems that pretty much every character is viable at the top level. If you name a character, I can name a top player that plays that character. The only real consensus is that Rook is maybe a bit undertuned for the highest level of play.


I donā€™t have an opinion on tier lists as I donā€™t play anywhere near the level where they would matter. I do, however very much like to listen to and read about what people who are actually good at the game have to say they should be. I donā€™t think Iā€™m even good at the game yet but I will say DeGrey has been making me look like a superstar. Not saying I win all of my matches with him but I do win a whole lot more matches that I have absolutely no business winning.

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Yeah I donā€™t feel qualified to weigh in on balance opinions (from what I can tell the characters feel well balanced and no matchup Iā€™ve played feels terribly in one character or anotherā€™s favor) but I would be curious to hear the thoughts of like @CWheezy and TheRookHugger and @Organous or other master / high diamond players

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When there was a discussion on discord a little while back (it was pretty recent), it was vastly different tier lists between all the top players. It was pretty fascinating to see actually.

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Hereā€™s my ā€œtierā€ list: Fair%20Tier%20List


I would move Geiger up a tier to ā€œPunctualā€ but other than that, I agree


Does that come from different estimation of matchup numbers? That actually is pretty curious.

Yeah, quite a bit of it was different estimation of matchup numbers. Some of it was just gut feelings and how the individual players felt the matchups were from their perspective of playing the characters.

As of latest TPKā€™s tournament, Rook (the character one) was showing up and ascending consistently, up to and including GFs. Rather curious development.

In case someone here missed matchup statistics:


100% of the roster looks viable! This is a game where you buy it and ACTUALLY get to choose your character.

Valerie has some absolutely broken kit if used correctly, honestly an S tier in my opinion