[Training Mode] Midoris super meter does not deplete when switchting from infinite super meter to normal

[Training Mode] Midoris super meter does not deplete when switchting from infinite super meter to normal

Summary: When you go into training mode with Midori and transform into dragon while the super-meter is set to infinite, setting the super-meter to normal will not begin to drain the dragon meter. This forces you to go back to character select when you want to train as human Midori again (I think?).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go into training mode with Midori.
  2. Set super-meter setting to infinite.
  3. Transform into dragon.
  4. Set super-meter setting to normal.

Expected Results: Super meter starts draining.

Actual Results: Super meter does not start draining.

Game Version: v.1.17939

System Information: Windows 10

This is not a bug. The super meter, which is a blue meter that is purple when full, works correctly when set to infinite/normal in practice mode. Midori’s Dragon form meter, which is green, is a different meter and has its own option in practice mode under “character specific options” -> “Midori Dragon Form” which can be set to permanent / normal. I will not drain in “permanent” no matter what the super meter is set to, and it will drain in “normal” no matter what the super meter is set to.

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