Online casual rematch pop up when looking at player profile breaks

Title: Online casual rematch pop up when looking at player profile breaks

Summary: If you’re looking at a player profile while the casual mode “Rematch?” popup pops up, it behaves oddly (in my case, it appeared over top of the profile screen and then disappeared and I was unable to choose to rematch)

Steps to reproduce:

  1. finish casual match
  2. pop open the friends overlay and open a player profile screen while the win animation is going
  3. make sure it’s open when the “rematch?” thing pops up

Expected Results: I dunno! I guess close the friends overlay entirely like for KO?

Actual Results: “rematch?” thing appeared over profile screen and then disappeared entirely when I tried to back out of the profile screen, so I was unable to choose to rematch

Notes: other results are probably possible too!


Game Version: Switch Sept. 2019

System Information: