Leaving Survival Mode menus returned to Results screen with -1 opponents

Title: Leaving Survival Mode menus returned to Results screen with -1 opponents

Summary: After beating 20 opponent Survival, leaving the screen for selecting the number of opponents returned me to the Results screen claiming I defeated all opponents… all -1 of them. :laughing:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Beat 20 opponent Survival with Grave (this was my 3rd attempt, and I had done nothing else since booting up the game IIRC)
  2. Click Done to leave the Results screen (this worked as expected)
  3. Click Back on the Survival menu

Expected Results: Returning to the Solo modes menu.

Actual Results: Returning to the victory screen for Survival with -1 opponents defeated. The animation of a crown being placed under 20 Opponents happened again after leaving this screen, too. Clicking Back again sent me back to the same bugged victory screen again. Hitting escape on the keyboard let me leave.


Let me know if a log file would be helpful, I can DM it through Discord!

Game Version: v1.16637

System Information: Windows 10, more info can be provided if needed.