Switch game crash

Title: the game is crashing on the switch after update

Summary: my switch game has crashed twice this evening playing the game. I think I got about an hour or so of play time between each crash.

update 11:42 8/13/2020: I can confirm the crashes happen after an hour of ranked play. I cannot confirm if the crashes are happening after a win every time, but I did win when it crashed this last time.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. I was playing on the switch
  2. I was playing ranked matches
  3. I want to say an hour passed in between each crash

Notes: there was a server reset on 8/13 in the evening. crashed before and after the server reboot
I am connected with Ethernet

Game Version: 1.18934

System Information: nintendo switch

Update: 8/14/2020 have played for over an hour in ranked and casual and no software crashes to report, yet.
Edit: I spoke too soon. Game crashed at 00:32 CDT after playing for around two hours

Update: software crashed again on 8/15/2020 at 23:10 CDT. Had been playing ranked and casual for about 2 hours or so.

game crashed after 40 minutes today
I reloaded the game and only lasted twenty minutes
lost all my ranked stars as well (back to silver E with nothing)

in ranked and casual que. staying on main menu in between matches

I have experienced crashes on my Switch as well. It also crashes during local play.

I just found a severe bug that happens when you go to practice mode while queued for a Ranked match , then after the match ends, the game resumes practice mode. This can hard-crash the game on Switch and PS4, and can cause non-hard-crash but severe problems on PC.

I am working on a fix, but in the meantime, do not use Practice mode while queued for Ranked online.

(To clarify, this is not about the crash that happens between rounds of a ranked match, it’s a different one.)

Noted, and thank you

The crash I am experiencing is the crash between rounds of ranked match.
Is there an estimate on when this bug will be fixed?
It makes progress in ranked almost impossible.

I don’t have a true estimate on that one, but fixing this is my top priority right now.

I appreciate the update. I know you have a lot on your to do list.