This tournament will be held at 3:00 pm EST on Saturday, September 28.
This tournament will be streamed live at
This tournament will be available for players on PS4 and Steam.
Register at: $70 Prize Pool - TPK Esports Fantasy Strike Tournament #8 - Challonge
This is a free entry tournament with prizes being given out to the top place finishers of this tournament.
The prizes are as follows:
- 1st Place: $20 USD
- 2nd Place: $15 USD
- 3rd Place: $10 USD
- One participant in the tournament who did not place in the top 3 will receive $5.
The prizes will be paid out through PayPal or as Amazon Gift Cards of the same value.
Players must add ThyPirateKing to their in-game friend list and must enable “Spectators Allowed” in-game in order to be commentated on for the stream.
Players must have Discord to be able to communicate with tournament administrators and will need to join this Discord server: The Pirate Ship
Be sure that your Challonge name is the same name as your in-game name in Fantasy Strike. If your Discord name is different, put your Discord name in parenthesis when registering for the tournament on Challonge.
Full tournament rules available here: