Title: Visual options don’t persist between launches of the game.
Summary: I have a multi-monitor setup, and I want FS to be on monitor one. On launch, it opens on monitor 2 in windowed mode. I move it to monitor 1, adjust the resolution and untoggle V-Sync. Then I hit apply. Upon close and relaunch, the game opens on monitor 2 with V-Sync turned on.
Steps to reproduce:
- Launch game
- Move to correct monitor
- Set visual options (resolution and turning off V-sync), apply them.
- Close game
Expected Results:
On relaunch, game should open in monitor 1 with the correct resolution and V-sync off.
Actual Results:
Game opens on monitor 2 with the correct resolution and V-sync on.
System Information:
Windows 10 – Version 10.0.19042.1110